In Verona, ii noble families – the Capulets and Montagues – have been enemies feuding for a long time. When two Capulet servants ball in the street with two Montague servants, the Prince of Verona vows that farther public violence will outcome in death for the perpetrators. Lord and Lady Montague question their nephew Benvolio most the quarrel, glad their son Romeo was non involved. Romeo has not been coming dwelling house nights, Benvolio learns that Romeo is hopelessly in love with a woman who spurns his advances, causing his sadness. Benvolio tells Romeo to forget her and consider other immature beauties of Verona. Meanwhile, Lord Capulet discusses a matrimony organization for his daughter Juliet with Count Paris, and invites Paris to a party that night to meet Juliet. Capulet instructs his servant Peter to invite a list of other guests; the illiterate Peter enlists Romeo'southward help in reading the list, whereby Romeo and Benvolio learn of the party and make a plan to join the festivities in gild to see Romeo'due south love, Rosaline, who is invited to the party.

Every bit Lady Capulet prepares Juliet to meet Paris, we acquire that Juliet's Nurse has a bawdy sense of sense of humor and is delighted that Juliet volition shortly ally. Romeo and Benvolio come across up with friends, including the volatile Mercutio and the young men plan to crash the Capulet party, bearded in masks. At the party, Romeo sees Juliet and immediately forgets Rosaline; Romeo and Juliet touch on hands, then kiss, so find they have each fallen in beloved with an enemy.

Later that night, Romeo'south friends try to observe him, just decide he does not desire to exist plant. Romeo has scaled the Capu-let walls and sees a low-cal in a window. Spying Juliet, he speaks of his love. When Juliet, not noticing Romeo, shares her heart's passion with the night, Romeo speaks to her. Rapidly recovering from fright and modesty, Juliet confesses her love, and asks Romeo to go a message to her well-nigh when they can come across to marry. She will transport her Nurse to notice Romeo in the forenoon. An exulant Romeo goes to find Friar Lawrence, who has a passion for horticulture and who knows which plants heal, and which toxicant. The Friar tells the hasty youth to slow down, but agrees to comport the union in the hopes information technology will bring near a reapproachment between the two feuding families.

Meanwhile, in the street, Benvolio predicts that Tybalt, who saw Romeo at the party, will claiming the Montague youth to a duel. When Romeo appears, Mercutio teases him nearly disappearing the dark before. Juliet's Nurse and her servant Peter as well are the target of Mercutio's wit until Romeo sends him away so he tin can tell the Nurse to have Juliet see him at Friar Lawrence'southward cell that afternoon. An impatient Juliet finally wrests this message from the Nurse upon her return. Friar Lawrence conducts a undercover wedding.

As the day'southward heat intensifies, Benvolio and Mercutio encounter Tybalt, seeking Romeo. When Romeo appears, Tybalt insults him and challenges him to fight, but Romeo – secretly married but not wanting to reveal this information – refuses. An incensed Mercu-tio pulls his sword on Tybalt. As the two fight, Romeo tries to stop them, and Mercutio is dealt a fatal wound under Romeo'south arm. Romeo so engages Tybalt, killing his new wife's cousin earlier realizing his folly. The Capulet family unit insists the Prince proceed his word and put Romeo to death. Conceding that Tybalt was also at fault, the Prince spares Romeo'southward life, but exiles him from Verona.

When Juliet, awaiting her wedding nighttime, learns instead of Tybalt's death, she is inconsolable, as is Romeo upon hearing of his blackball¬ment. The Nurse and Friar contrive for the immature couple to have one night together before Romeo must leave for Mantua. Hoping to allay Juliet'southward grief, Capulet arranges for her to ally Paris. Ro¬meo and Juliet spend i loving dark together before Juliet
Debi Durst and Luisa Frasconi as Nurse and Juliet
learns of the planned marriage, which she refuses. Her father threatens to bandage her out into the streets. The Nurse counsels Juliet to marry Paris, since no one knows of her before wedding to Romeo. Wanting better help, Juliet goes to the Friar, only to meet Paris, who professes his love. Juliet threatens to kill herself if the Friar will not help her. He gives her a potion which will induce a death-like state. The programme is that Juliet's family will put her corpse in the family vault, from which Romeo tin collect her upon her revival and take her to Mantua. Juliet's seemingly dead body is discovered, and borne to the vault. Romeo hears news of Juliet's decease and buys toxicant from a destitute apothecary. Friar John reports he was unable to requite Romeo the message almost Juliet'south imitation death. When Romeo comes to the Capulet vault he meets a mourning Paris who will not depart, and the two fight. Romeo and Juliet are reunited, and the families join easily at last.
Marin Shakespeare Company v 2014